WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization



January 31, 2014. There is no liberty without journalists’ liberty.


WTDO, world-transparent-democracy.org :

January 31, 2014. There is no liberty without journalists’ liberty.


Al Jazeera journalists are on trial in Egypt

20 Al-Jazeera staff, including award-winning Australian journalist Peter Greste, two Britons and a Dutch woman, was referred to trial on Wednesday in Egypt. The foreigners were accused of "airing false news aimed at informing the outside world that the country was witnessing a civil war", among other charges. Those remaining were charged for being part of a terrorist group.

- See more at: http://www.iloubnan.info/politics/78832/Al-Jazeera-journalists-are-on-trial-in-Egypt#sthash.GcbDssC6.dpuf



WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization