WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization



Sunday, April 06, 2014. There will never be a solution with direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians.


Sunday, April 06, 2014. There will never be a solution with direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Israeli policy made evidence to spend time without solution until complete annexation of Jordan West-bank. Only U.N. actions and international pressures could solve the issue without wars. We hope an international justice and international military force to impose fair solutions. Religious extremists are dominating both Palestinian and Israeli people. There is no respect of human rights.  There is no doubt all Middle East wars are linked presently to Israeli-Palestinian conflict.




News from Medias:


Israel threatens unilateral moves against Palestinians

"The Palestinians have much to lose from a unilateral move. They will get a state only through direct negotiations and not through empty declarations or unilateral moves," Netanyahu said on Sunday.

But Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo said Israel was responsible for the crisis and "wants to extend the negotiations forever."






WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization