WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.


31th August 2014. Comments on world actualities in August 2014.



Sunday, 17 August 2014. Two same weights but two different measures. Why Barack Obama does nothing before the massacres in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, and mobilized its army to stop the advance of jihadists in Kurdistan ?

The United States of America and behind them all the powerful Western countries are credited with blatant bias about wars in the Middle East.

Hundreds killed in Kurdistan triggered Western response ostensibly to save lives. This is a good action.

But hundreds of thousands of Syrians and Palestinians were massacred and no one responds.

Media commentators go further, accusing America of having organized the fratricidal war in Syria, Iraq and Gaza. The massacres committed by Hezbollah, the Syrian regime and Israel have not moved Westerners.

Military action in Kurdistan is obviously implementation because of the overflow of jihadists who were to have a limited mission but wanted to go further and seize the oil wells.

Obviously aerial military action by America limited near the Kurdistan will not solve the problem of genocides and wars in the Middle East.

Democrats in the Middle East are troubled by these Western behaviors, Democrat Syrian Opposition does not know who to trust.

For us, human rights must be respected everywhere in all nations. Why you should help some and not others. The UN is not doing its job and that is lamentable. We continue to dream of a better world where the UN has a military rapid response worldwide to stop the wars and apply the right solutions.


World Transparent Democracy Organization (WTDO)
< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.




 UN moves against ISIS amid reports of massacre

Agence France Presse

BAGHDAD: The U.N. Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at weakening Islamists in Iraq amid reports of ISIS killing dozens of residents in besieged ethnic Yezidi areas.

Western media reported dozens of men from the Yezidi faith were massacred in the village of Kocho, 45 kilometers from the Kurdish-held town of Sinjar.

Some reports spoke of residents being told to convert to Islam or face summary execution.

While details of the latest incident were not immediately confirmed, such attacks in the past have led the U.S. military to take action.

U.S. President Barack Obama said a first week of airstrikes had broken the siege of the northern Sinjar mountain where civilians had been hiding from jihadists for more than 10 days.

The U.S. carried out more airstrikes Friday, the military said, after receiving reports that Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) “terrorists were attacking civilians" in the area.

As aid groups tried to cope with the hundreds of thousands of people displaced by Islamist advances in northern Iraq, ingredients of a fight-back began falling into place.

In New York, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution aimed at weakening Islamists in Iraq and Syria by cutting off funding and the flow of foreign fighters.

And EU ministers agreed at an emergency meeting in Brussels to back the arming of Iraqi Kurdish fighters.

Iraqis and foreign powers meanwhile voiced relief after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's decision Thursday to step down.

U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice said it was "another major step forward" in uniting Iraq, where ISIS jihadists have snapped up large swaths of land in a lightning and brutal offensive, raising the specter of genocide.

U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon also welcomed the divisive Maliki's move and called for the swift formation of "an inclusive, broad-based government ready to immediately tackle these pressing issues."

Support for Maliki's designated replacement, Haidar al-Abadi, has poured in from sources as diverse as Iran and Saudi Arabia.

When jihadist forces launched their offensive on June 9, Kurdish peshmerga forces initially fared better than retreating federal soldiers, but the abandoned U.S.-made weaponry government troops left in their wake turned ISIS into a formidable foe.

Jihadists advanced within miles of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan last week, which was one of the factors that triggered US airstrikes and broad foreign support for the cash-strapped Kurds.

When the jihadists, who have controlled parts of Syria for months, swept across the Sunni heartland of Iraq in early June, they encountered little or no resistance.

Maliki's critics say he bears some of the responsibility for the crisis that brought the country to the brink of breakup for pushing sectarian policies that have marginalized and radicalized the Sunni Arab minority.

In another potentially game-changing development, 25 Sunni tribes in the western Anbar province, including some that had previously refused to work with a Maliki-led government, announced a coordinated effort to oust ISIS fighters.

"This popular revolution was agreed on with all the tribes that want to fight ISIS, which spilled our blood," Sheikh Abdul-Jabbar Abu Risha, one of the leaders of the fresh anti-jihadist drive, told AFP.

Anbar police chief Maj. Gen. Ahmad Saddak said security forces were backing the uprising, which began at 6 a.m. Friday.

(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)




Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Daniel Attieh, reported : “The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida, the Taliban, and ISIS all want to set up a Global Islamic Caliphate; but Hezballah and Hamas want to set up a Wilayet Al Faqih in Lebanon and Gaza, with Hassan Nasrallah as the Supreme Leader by proxy, backed by Iran, and under the Supreme Leadership of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Not all of us are naďve obtuse-ostrich morons…or cowards!

Whether it's an Islamic Caliphate by ISIS or Al-Qaeda, led by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi or Ayman al Zawahiri; or a Welayat El Faqih by Hezballah, led by Hassan Nasrallah; what the F*** difference will it make to Lebanon and/or the Lebanese people ?”


Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Inhuman events described below show the severity of social injustice and the suffering of innocent people who are victims of arrears doctrinal conflicts that destroy the quality of their lives.

If terrorists create reprehensible crimes, there are also states that commit crimes and genocides claiming to defend their people. This is today the case of Israeli government and Bashar AL Assad regime in Syria.


World Transparent Democracy Organization (WTDO)
< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.




Israel tells Palestinian prisoners: We bombed your homes and killed your families

By: Ibtisam Mahdi

Published Tuesday, August 26, 2014

“We killed your brother and destroyed your family home.” The words hit the prisoner, Said Abu Shaluf, like a slap to the face. A few hours after bombing his home, Said was summoned by the Israeli prison administrators. They informed him that they killed his 31-year-old brother Abdel Rahman and destroyed their family home. This is Israel’s latest attempt to break the spirit of Palestinian prisoners, who dared to challenge the Israeli authorities through hunger strikes in more than one struggle, in a long line of struggles, for dignity. But who can hear the prisoners’ added pain now in light of the ongoing war on Gaza?

Gaza – Abu Shaluf’s family tried to avoid informing their imprisoned son about the death of his brother Abdel Rahman or the destruction of their home by Israeli bombs, especially out of concern for his psychological state inside prison. But the Israelis beat the family and the media, where news is usually muddled yet moves quickly, delivering the devastating news in an insensitive manner. Since that day, the family learned that Said is in a very difficult psychological state, and he is refusing to eat even though his prison mates are trying to comfort and console him. This has naturally compounded his mother’s pain.

Abu Shaluf’s story is not unique. Before him, a 31-year-old prisoner called Basel Arif, who was serving two life sentences, was informed that Israeli forces killed four of his cousins in the massacre in al-Shujayeh neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

Other [Israeli] prison administrations have used a similar tactic. And so the story was repeated with a 24-year-old prisoner called Ahmed al-Soufi, who lost his brother Abdel Hadi and the homes of his family and relatives suffered major damage after an Israeli strike. The families of the two prisoners, Alaa Sheikh al-Eid (detained since December 2002) and Raafat Abu Snaimeh (detained since April 2009) said the Israelis also told their sons that their homes were destroyed. The same thing happened with prisoner Saleh Abu Shusheh (sentenced for 14 years) and all of them are residents of Rafah in southern Gaza.

“Those whose homes are not destroyed or whose families are not hurt spend their time consoling their colleagues, worrying for their families and following the news,” - Nashaat al-Wahidi, Fatah representative. The Fatah representative of the prisoners' committee in Gaza, Nashaat al-Wahidi, stressed that the prisoners’ living and health conditions are deteriorating in light of Israel’s vengeful policies that are escalating as the assault on Gaza rages on.

“The prisons’ administrations exploited the fact that people are preoccupied with the war and distracted from the plight of the prisoners to impose on them extra punishment, such as reducing the time they can be outside from four to two hours daily and allowing only 15 prisoners out at one time,” he added.

Some of the other penalties, according to Wahidi, include reducing each prisoner’s stipend from 1,200 shekel to 400 ($300 to $110), reducing family visits to half an hour every month, and disconnecting seven satellite channels out of 10. Two channels of the three that are left are in Hebrew.

Despite these penalties, Wahidi told Al-Akhbar that what weighs down on the prisoners the most is the psychological state that accompanies the war.

“Those whose homes are not destroyed or whose families are not hurt spend their time consoling their colleagues, worrying for their families and following the news,” he said.

Wahidi pointed out that prisoners have been deprived of the ability to follow the news of what their families are subjected to in Gaza after the prison administration decided to cancel Palestine TV and “prevented them from communicating with their families to check on them, not to mention the provocative searches and messing with their personal belongings as they look for cell phones.”

According to sources close to the prisoners, the Israeli Prison Service imposed strict penalties at the Megiddo Prison in north of occupied Palestine after the administration heard cries of “God is Great” emanating from prison cells when prisoners heard that the Resistance captured an Israeli soldier. The administration closed certain prison sections, prevented the prisoners from going out and buying stuff from the prison shop and suspended the broadcast of TV stations.

But the war did not only affect prisoners inside Israeli jails, it also affected those who have been liberated, especially those who were released during the 2011 Loyalty to the Free prisoner exchange deal. They are living through the second war since their release, compounded by the fact some of them had their homes bombed by the Israeli forces. One of the liberated prisoners exiled to Gaza is Hilal Jaradat, his apartment in one of the towers in al-Zahraa City in central Gaza which was recently bombed and badly damaged.

The house of another liberated prisoner, 54-year-old Mohammed Nashbat, in al-Nusairat refugee camp in central Gaza was hit and Nashbat is being treated overseas, especially since he came out of prison suffering from a heart disease. Another prisoner, liberated with the first group of prisoners prior to Oslo, 41-year-old Ayman Abu Sitta, lives in the al-Zawayda area in central Gaza. His home was completely destroyed.

According to an unofficial count, the Israeli occupation targeted seven other homes belonging to liberated prisoners during the course of this recent war. The Ministry of Prisoner Affairs said there are extensive and comprehensive punitive measures exercised against the prisoners linked to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad since before the war began, specifically after the Israeli authorities announced the disappearance of three settlers in Hebron. These measures intensified during the current war.




WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.