WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.


Monday, December 22, 2014. Rachid DERBAS, Minister of Social Affairs, can comment a dramatic situation which was expected since the beginning of the Syrian war, when nobody moves among Lebanese political humanoids.



Monday, December 22, 2014. Rachid DERBAS, Minister of Social Affairs, can comment a dramatic situation which was expected since the beginning of the Syrian war, when nobody moves among Lebanese political humanoids.

Most of the families of the middle and lower classes will suffer a reduction in their purchasing power. Politicians do not move because they do not care about their wealth. Instead they take advantage of the cheap labor of Syrians who need to work at any wage.

In addition the ministers will not hesitate to sign loans supported by taxpayer to fund their projects. The people are poorer. The state is impoverished. But the rich will be richer. Thanks to the Lebanese feudalism.

Lundi 22 décembre 2014. Rachid DERBAS, Ministre des Affaires Sociales, peut commenter une situation dramatique mais qui était prévisible depuis le début de la guerre syrienne, alors que personne ne bouge parmi les humanoïdes politiques libanais.

La plupart des familles des classes moyennes et pauvres vont subir une diminution de leurs pouvoirs d’achat. Les politiciens ne bougent pas puisqu’ils ne s’inquiètent pas sur leurs richesses. Au contraire ils profitent de la main d’œuvre bon marché des syriens qui ont besoin de travailler à n’importe quel salaire.

En plus les ministres n’hésiteront pas à signer des crédits à la charge du contribuable pour financer leurs projets. Le peuple s’appauvrit. L’état s’appauvrit. Mais les riches seront encore plus riches. Merci au féodalisme libanais.

الاثنين 22 ديسمبر، 2014. رشيد درباس، وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية، يمكنه التعليق على الوضع المأساوي ولكن كان مُتوقع منذ بداية الحرب السورية، في حين أن لا أحد يتحرك من بين السياسيين اللبنانيين الذين يتمتعون بوجه انسان.
معظم العائلات من الطبقات الوسطى والدنيا ستعاني من انخفاض في القوة الشرائية. السياسيون لا يأبهوا لأن ثرواتهم لن تشح. وبدلا من ذلك سيستفيدون من العمالة الرخيصة لأن السوري بحاجة إلى العمل بأي أجر.
وبالإضافة إلى ذلك فإن الوزراء لا يترددوا في توقيع القروض على حساب دافعي الضرائب لتمويل مشاريعهم. الناس سيفتقرون. الدولة ستفتقر. ولكن الأغنياء سيكونون أكثر ثراءً. ونشكر الإقطاع اللبناني لغياب العدالة الاجتماعية.



Derbas: Lebanon lost $20 bn due to Syrian crisis BEIRUT | iloubnan.info / NNA - December 21, 2014, 17h04

HCR Minister of Social Affairs, Rachid Derbas, told Al Liwa Daily, in an interview to be published on Monday, that Lebanon has already lost $20 billion due to the events in Syria. The Minister explained that the Lebanese government's decision to stop receiving Syrian refugees, except for urgent cases, reduced the number of refugees from a million and two hundred thousand to a million and a hundred thousand. He asserted that the UN approved the measures taken by the state to that effect. "Lebanon received a mere 50% of international aid allocated for Syrian refugees in 2013, and then got 44% of donations apportioned for the year 2014," he said. Derbas noted that the United Nations planned to settle approximately 130,000 refugees out of Lebanon. However, he cautioned that this resettlement might encourage Christians of Syria to emigrate, thus depriving the region of its cultural diversity. Addressing the events in Tripoli over the past months, the Minister asserted in no uncertain terms that the entire northern city stood in solidarity with the state and the LAF. He called upon the Council for Development and Reconstruction to execute developmental projects, in order to cut-off the path for those attempting to take advantage of the city's youth by arming them.

 - See more at: http://www.iloubnan.info/business/85440/Derbas:-Lebanon-lost-20-bn-due-to-Syrian-crisis >>


WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.