WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.


Friday, January 02, 2015. The war in Syria hardens and most powerful countries turn their backs.



Friday, January 02, 2015. The war in Syria hardens and most powerful countries turn their backs.

Very serious situation is affecting the human rights and morality in international community.

The massacres in Syria no longer touch political leaders who look only to their careers.

Superpowers do not agree on definitions of justice in this conflict. There are some who continue to supply arms to the Syrian dictator, while others consider him as the main criminal initiator of this war.

The refugees are scattered in neighboring countries and thousands trying exodus to Europe through the Mediterranean Sea at the risk of dying at high sea because of smugglers who drop them off in boats without captains.

It is indeed the world third war and the strong countries have not yet made aware of the need to act quickly to change the political systems in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, and to impose a just peace in the Middle East between Palestinians and Israelis.


Informations from Medias:

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Millions of Syrian refugees scattered throughout the Middle East

More than one million Syrian refugees currently living in Lebanon, with some 300 residing in the country's Bekaa Valley. Because authorities have barred the United Nations from opening official camps, the refugees are strewn across some 1,700 communities throughout the country.

A coalition of international organizations has urged countries outside of the Middle East to open their doors to displaced Syrians, saying that Syria's immediate neighbors are running out of resources to shoulder the burden of housing the growing number of refugees.

After hundreds of thousands of Syrian Kurds fled the Islamic State siege on Kobane in September, Turkey sent troops to its borders in order to help regulate the influx of refugees.

About 80 percent of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban areas in the north of the countries, while the remaining 20 live in camps. Much like the rest of Syria's other immediate neighbors, Jordan is struggling to find the resources to grapple with the growing number of refugees crossing the border daily.

 22 December, 2014




WTDO, World Transparent Democracy Organization

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflections on the political and socio economic world news.